virtual machine
- Virtual machine (VM)
- VM’s are virtual environments that functions as a virtual computer system with its own CPU, memory, network interface, and storage, created on a physical hardware system. In other words, creating a computer within a computer.
- Hypervisor
- hypervisors run directly on the host's hardware to control the hardware and to manage guest operating systems.
- Time Share
- Time-sharing is the sharing of a computing resource among many users at the same time by means of multiprogramming and multi-tasking.
- Virtual machine (VM)
- Types
- Mac, Windows, and linux
- Red Hat Linux
- CentOS
- Fedora
- openSUSE
- Oracle Linux
- Ubuntu
- Kubuntu
ISO image is a complete copy of everything stored on a physical optical disc like CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc—including the file system itself.
- Types
- 2021 kubuntu minimum requirements are as follows.
- Processor: 2 GHz single core
- Memory: 2 GB
- Hard drive capacity: 25 GB
- (Note) The kubuntu build for this tutorial. Each O.S. Build has a minimal spec requirement to run smoothly. This information changes throughout the years so it is important to look up the O.S. you are using.
- Base Memory: 4000 MB
- Processors(s): 2
- Video Memory: 128MB
- USB 3.0 checked.
Shared Folders: Machine Folders (The folder you name) Auto Mount: yes
- Folder system (In Tutorial):
- my_checksum
- "The_checkSum key you name".txt
- my_os
- kubuntu-18.04.5-desktop-i386.iso
- shared_folder
- virtualbox
- This is where you can choose to save your virtual desktop infrastructure (vdi).
- kubuntu_32bit.vdi
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use. For more information or to download visit their website, VirtualBox. Check there manual for more details and how to's VirtualBox manual.
(Note) "#" you are in sudo. "$" you are a normal user. If you are new to Linux sudo: is super user do. This tutorial is a kubuntu VirtualBox 32bit. It is installed on Windows 10 home edition. -
- To copy in the terminal, it is (ctrl + shift + c) to paste it is (ctrl + v).
Terminal 1.
>cd c:\Users\WindowsName\OneDrive\Desktop\my_virtual_box\my_os\
>certUtil -hashfile kubuntu-18.04.5-desktop-i386.iso SHA256cd c:\Users\WindowsName\OneDrive\Desktop\my_virtual_box\my_os\
certUtil -hashfile kubuntu-18.04.5-desktop-i386.iso SHA256
Terminal 2.
>cd c:\Users\WindowsName\OneDrive\Desktop\my_virtual_box\my_checksum\
>findstr "(no quotations. Put SHA256 code here that came fromthe kubuntu file)" key.txtcd c:\Users\WindowsName\OneDrive\Desktop\my_virtual_box\my_checksum\
findstr "(no quotations. Put SHA256 code here that came fromthe kubuntu file)" key.txt
- To copy in the terminal, it is (ctrl + shift + c) to paste it is (ctrl + v).
Do not install guest additions until you get to that part. Let it update when prompt. On restart it will ask you to remove the install medium. Just hit enter for yes.