Dana Vrajitoru
C311 Programming Languages

C311 Homework 3

Due Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2025.

Note. The results of the entire exercise should be uploaded to Canvas, Assignments, Homework 3, as the file hw3.el.

In this homework we will focus on the loops dolist and dotimes. You must use either of these two loops in at least one of the functions below. Do not use dotimes in combination with the length of a list, nor the while loop.

Reference for dotimes and dolist. (http://www.cs.iusb.edu/~danav/teach/c311/c311_elisp3.html)

Ex. 1

Write the following Lisp functions using either recursion or the loops dotimes and dolist:

Upload to Canvas, Assignments, Homework 3, the Lisp file hw3.el.