Dana Vrajitoru
C311 Programming Languages

C311 Homework 9

Due Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Purpose: this homework covers deep recursion, dynamic programming, Lisp arrays, type-checking predicates, and associative lists. All of them can be found in various lectures in Modules 8 and 9.

Ex. 1 Deep Recursion

Write a deep-recursive search function for a value in a list that is possibly nested. Use a catch-throw to exit the function when the value is found. You can combine the functions discussed in class and found in the PowerPoint presentations.

Hint: You will need to write a driver function and a recursive function. The driver function should contain the catch expression and call the recursive function inside it. The recursive function would call throw function.

Ex. 2 Dynamic Programming

Consider the two versions of the function computing the combinations as shown in the class notes. Copy them into emacs and test them. Then add a global variable counter and increment it by one at the top of both functions. This will count the number of function calls required to complete the calculations in each case. Try the two versions of the function for a few pairs of numbers n and m and print out the value of the counter after each of them. Don't forget to reset the counter to 0 before each call. Comment on the observed difference between the numbers of function calls.

Ex. 3 Dynamic Programming

Write a simple recursive function to compute the f(n) for the following sequence:

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-3)
f(0) = 0,
f(1) = f(2) = 1

Optimize this function using dynamic programming. You can assume that the number n in the function call for testing will be less than 20.

Ex. 4 Associative Lists

Create a global variable that contains an associative list where the keys are pet names written as strings and the values are the kind of animal they are. For example, one element could be ("Bella" . "dog").

Write a function that outputs all the keys in an associative list matching a given value, such as "dog". Use the predicate equal to check for equality. Output a message at the top of the function saying that these are all the keys containing the given value.

Hint: Use a dolist loop to traverse the list. The control variable will contain a pair of key and value, and you can use car and cdr to access the key and the value from it.

Homework Submission

Upload the Lisp file to Canvas, Assignments, Homework 9.