Dana Vrajitoru
Office Hours
C455 / B503 Algorithms Analysis
| Homework assignments
| Reading assignments
| Tests
| Homework 5
| Chapters 2.3
| Quiz 5
Midterm 1: Monday, February 24.
| Homework 4
| Chapters 2.1, 2.2
| Quiz 4
| Homework 3
| Chapters 3.2, 3.3
| Quiz 3
| Homework 2
| Chapter 3.1
| Quiz 2
| Homework 1
| Chapter 3.2
| Quiz 1
Spring 2025 schedule: MW 2:30 - 3:45 pm, NS 205, and online.
Prerequisite: C243/A594, C250 or C251 or C241, and
M260 Probability and Statistics.
Textbook: Practical Analysis of Algorithms by
D. Vrajitoru, W. Knight, Springer, 2014.
Additional documentation to use or not at your discretion -
this is not an exhaustive list:
- T. Cormen et al. (2009): Introduction to Algorithms, MIT
- J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos (2006): Algorithm Design, Addison
- A. Levitin (2011): Introduction to the Design and Analysis of
Algorithms, Addison Wesley.
- R. Johnsonbaugh, M. Schaefer (2003): Algorithms, Prentice
- S. Dasgupta et al. (2006): Algorithms, McGraw-Hill.
- R. Neapolitan, K. Naimipour (2011): Foundations of
Algorithms, Jones and Bartlett.
Grading system:
- About 11 homework assignments: 20 points each
- 2 midterm exams: 50 points each
- Final exam: 50 points
- Class participation: up to 30 points
Guidelines for assignments:
- The assignments will be posted on the course web page and on Canvas.
- The assignments are due at midnight of the due date.
- The assignments must be submitted to Canvas. Assignments written
on paper can be scanned and submitted as images or pdf files.
- No homework accepted after 1 week from the due date. A homework
turned in late loses 10% of the points per day up to 50%.
- For problems that have a short answer, such as a number, in
general a detailed explanation of the steps taken to obtain that
answer is expected.
- Class participation items are not announced beforehand; there is
no make up for them.
- Attendance is expected except for health issues. Please quarantine
at home if you have Covid symptoms.
- All of the assignments are individual. Consulting with colleagues
is acceptable, but homeworkss that are too similar can be penalized or
rejected. No credit will be given for homeworks obtained from external
sources unless explicitly allowed.
Last updated: January, 2022.