C481 B581 Computer Graphics
Dana Vrajitoru
2D Animation in OpenGL
Introduction to 2D Animation
- Fast changes in the system that happen even without user input.
- Non-animated apps - reactive applications.
- Requires a form of infinite loop - a Timer.
- Usually achieved by a set of functions or class methods that
describe the changes to each object in a small unit of time or delta t -
called update or move.
In OpenGL
- Two types of animation:
- glutIdleFunc(display);
Calls the function (display) at regular intervals.
- glutTimerFunc(msecs, anim, value);
void anim(int value);
Triggers an event calling the function anim after the given
number of ms and passes it the value as argument.
Generic Idle Function
void idleAnim()
for (each object)
Hard to control the animation speed - platform dependent.
Generic Timer Callback
void anim(int value)
if (value) {
for (each object)
glutTimerFunc(msecs, anim, newValue);
Double Buffers
- OpenGL can use two rendering buffers.
- One is displayed while the other one is being rendered.
- Speeds up animations.
- In init:
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | ...);
- In display, at the very end:
Other Timers
- In Flash / ActionScript:
- var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(200); // ms
- myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, callback);
- myTimer.start(); ...
- myTimer.stop();
- In JavaScript: setTimeout(), setInterval().
- In Unity:
Update() defined in every class;
FixedUpdate() - called before updating the physics engine.
2D Collision Detection
- Two intervals [x1, x1'] and [x2, x2'] collide if
- x1 <= x2 <= x1' or x2 <= x1 <= x2'
- ((x2-x1)*(x2-x1') < 0 && (x1-x2)*(x1-x2') < 0) if you don't know
that x1 <= x1' and x2 <= x2'.
- Two boxes collide if they collide both over x and over y.
- Two circles collide if the distance between their centers is smaller
than the sum of the radii.