C481 B581 Computer Graphics
Dana Vrajitoru
Hidden Surfaces
Determine which parts of the scene are seen by the viewer (camera)
and which are not. Allows the user to create a mental 3D spatial representation
of the 2D image.
For an object, determine the point of view and orientation
For several objects, determine their position with respect to each other:
Depth Comparison
If two points P1(x1, y1, z1)
and P2(x2, y2, z2) result in
the same projection, compare the distance between each of them and
the projection plane for the parallel projection
the projection center for the perspective projection.
If we project on the 0xy plane, we just have to compare z1 and
z2: the point with smaller depth is visible.
Detection algorithms:
object-space methods
image-space methods.
General Idea
- We consider that the user's eye is on the projection plane for the
parallel projection.
- For the perspective projection, we use the projection matrix to
deform the scene first.
- The projected image is then be obtained with a parallel
- Thus, we only need to solve the problem for the parallel
Back-Face Detection
- An object-space method.
- Consider the normal to a surface N and the view vector V. If angle(V,
N) < 90, then the face is a back face.
- In the case where the projection is on the (0xy) plane, if the z
component of the normal, Nz > 0, then the face is hidden.
- Only works if the object is closed. Can be used to preprocess the
Z-Buffer Algorithm
- An image-space method.
- For each pixel (x,y) in the projection plane, keep the value of
the closest z value that has been drawn on it.
- 1. Initialize the projection area to a background color.
- 2. Initialize the z-buffer to a maximal number (back clipping plane).
- 3. Scan-convert one polygon (triangle) at a time. For each converted
point, compare its z with the value stored for that pixel in the z-buffer.
If the new value is smaller, draw the point.
A-Buffer Algorithm
- Similar to the z-buffer method, only considers transparency.
- For each pixel record all the scan-converted points, with depth
and opacity parameter.
- Compute the color of the pixel based on all this information.
- color(P) = a2 * color(P2) + (1-a2) (a1*color(P1) + (1-a1) (a3*color(P3)
+ (1-a3)*background))
= 0.8 c2 + 0.2 (0.3 c1 + 0.7 (0.5 c3 + 0.5 bcgr)
= 0.8 c2 + 0.06 c1 + 0.065 c3 + 0.065 bcgr
Hidden Surfaces in OpenGL
- Enable the z-buffer:
- Disable the z-buffer:
- Clear the z-buffer:
Painter's Algorithm
- Suppose that we have a set of polygons or other objects sorted by
the distance to the view plane.
- Some of them might overlap, in which case the one closer to the
plane needs to appear in front.
- We can simply "draw" or render them in depth order starting from
the farthest one (back to front). The color of a polygon that is
render at any step replaces any other color that might have been there
- It works very well when all the objects are parallel to the view
plane, like in 2D with a z component or 2.5D graphics.

Depth Sorting
- Object-based method for 3D hidden surface removal, a variation of
the painter's algorithm.
- In 3D we don't have a single z coordinate for each polygon, we
have an interval [zmin, zmax] called z extent.
- If the z extents of two polygons don't intersect we can render
them back to front.
- If their z extents intersect but their x extents or y extent don't
intersect, we can paint them in any order.
- Otherwise in the worst case we have to split some polygons by the
intersection lines and render them separately.