Dana Vrajitoru
B582 Image Synthesis

B582 Project Description

Step 3
Deadline: October 2.
Start the implementation of the project and begin with the description of the main classes that you are going to use. The aim of this part of the project is to have a static visualization of your scene that represents the initial state of the system in your program (at t=0).

In this first implementation step, you also should focus on the static parts of your scene and model them either by some function (like the fractal terrain generator) or by a modeling program (Rhino, Blender, or Lightwave). In the second case, export the geometrical models as triangles and use the program written for Homework 10 in C481/B581.

Turn in: A working snapshot of your project by Thursday the next week (tar.gz recommended).

Step 2
Deadline: September 17.
Find documentation on the subject you have chosen and decide on the following issues:

Step 1
Deadline: September 10.
Decide on a subject and email me a description of it.

Last updated: September 22, 2003.