Dana Vrajitoru
B583 Game Programming and Design

Game Design

Game Definitions

Johann Huizinga, 1938 - Homo Lundes

Roger Caillois, 1960 - Les Jeux et les Hommes

Chris Crawford - The Art of Computer Game Design

Rules of play - Salen and Zimmerman, 2003

Special Cases

Digital Games

Toy Versus Game

Signs and Symbols

Symbols in a Game

Games as Systems

State Systems

Playing a Game

Choice in a Game

  1. What happened before the player was given the choice?
  2. How is the possibility of choice conveyed to the player?
  3. How did the player make the choice?
  4. What is the result of the choice?
  5. How is the result of the choice conveyed to the player?

Events in a Game

Action-Outcome Failings



Types of Interactivity

Game Interaction Loop

Game Goal

Game Levels

Game Design

Space of Possibility

Games Framework