C211 Problem Solving and Programming II

C211 Project Phase 1

Due Date: Monday, October 9, 2023.

Ex. 1. GitHub Account

a. Account

Individually, create a GitHub.com account if you don't have one already. I also recommend installing the Git and Git Desktop applications on your computer from desktop.github.com/.

b. Topic Selection

With your team, discuss the project options and select a topic. You can change your mind later, but you need an initial selection this week to get started on GitHub.

c. Repository

With your team, create a single GitHub repository for your project, named something related to the topic you chose. Add all the team members as contributors to the repository. Make the repository public so that I can see it.

d. Readme

Edit the Readme file for the repository to add the project title, a brief description, and the list of contributors.


Submit the link to your GitHub account and the link to the project repository to Assignments - Project Phase 1 in Canvas.