Dana Vrajitoru     Office Hours

C311 Programming Languages

Week Homeworks Class Notes Textbook reading
Tests Due Dates
6. Homework 6 Scope
Symbols in Lisp
Sections 10.2, 10.5, 10.6 Quiz 6 2/26/25
5. Homework 5 Scope
Lambda expressions in Lisp
Sections 10.2, 10.5, 10.6 Quiz 5 2/19/25
4. Homework 4
Class Exercise 1
Lambda Calculus
Lisp while, eq
Sections 10.2, 10.5, 10.6 Quiz 4 2/12/25
3. Homework 3 First Class Objects
Lisp dotimes, dolist
Sections 1.6, 10.2 Quiz 3 2/5/25
2. Homework 2 Introduction
Lisp variables, functions, conditional
Sections 1.4, 1.6 Quiz 2 1/29/25
1. Lab 1
Homework 1
Common Emacs key bindings
Introduction to Lisp
Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Quiz 1 1/22/25

Emacs Lisp interface - quick reference and links

Spring 2025 schedule: hybrid: asynchronous lecture, and W 10:00 - 11:15 am on Zoom and in person.

Prerequisites: C243/C343 Data Structures and C335 Computer Structures.

Textbook: Programming Language Pragmatics, 4rd edition, by M. L. Scott. Morgan Kaufman, 2015.

Generic Syllabus

Course description:Design and implementation of programming languages: syntax; semantics; comparison of programming paradigms such as imperative, functional, logic, and object oriented. Implementation of concepts such as binding, scope, looping, branching, subprograms and parameter passing, tasks and concurrency, heap management, exception handling, templates, inheritance, overloading.

Grading system:

Guidelines for assignments:

Programming environment:

Course Objectives
The student who completes this course:

Last updated: January 2020.
dvrajito @ iusb . edu.