Dana Vrajitoru
C311 Programming Languages
Name, Scope, Binding
- Name - character string used to represent something
else. They are usually identifiers, but operators (+, &, *) are also
- They allow us to refer entities in a program by a symbol instead
of an address.
- They provide a level of abstraction in a program: classes for data
abstraction, functions for control abstraction.
- They give us a better focus on some aspects of a program by
reducing the conceptual complexity of the code.
- Binding - the operation of associating two things, like a
name and the entity it represents.
- Binding time - the moment when the binding is performed
(compilation, execution, etc).
- Early binding - late binding. Refers to the binding
- Static binding - dynamic binding. Refers to
compilation vs runtime.
- Polymorphism - allowing a name (function, variable) to be
bound to more than one entity.
- Alias - multiple bindings for the same entity.
Early / Late Binding
- Type: early binding constrains the type of the variable. Late
binding lets that be decided when a value is assigned.
- Function: function known at compilation time, or left to be
matched when the call is being executed.
- Value: late binding waits until the value/data assigned to a
variable is needed before evaluating or loading it.
Dynamic Binding
- The exact meaning of each identifier (variable/function) is
determined when the instruction is executed based on context.
- Example in Lisp: function A makes reference to a "global" variable
- Function B declares a local variable x and then calls function A.
- Within that function call, x is the local variable from B.
Binding Time
- Language design - fundamental aspects of the language,
built-in functions, keywords.
- Language implementation - details such as the size of each
type, file representation, runtime exceptions.
- Programming - algorithms, design of data structures.
- Compilation - mapping between higher-level constructs and
machine code, static data.
- Linking - between function calls and external entities and
their actual code.
- Load - virtual addresses, dynamic libraries.
- Runtime - virtual functions, values to variables, many more.
Object Lifetime
- Object - any entity in the program. Variables, functions.
- Object lifetime - the period between the object creation
and destruction.
- Binding lifetime - the period between the creation and
destruction of the binding.
- Usually the binding lifetime is a subset of the object lifetime.
- Dangling reference - when the binding exists after the
destruction of the object.
Example: deleting a pointer but not making it NULL.
- Leak memory - when an object still exists but there is no
binding to it. Example: making a pointer NULL without deleting it
first. Solved by garbage collection.
Object Allocation
- Static objects - they have an absolute address that exists for the
duration of the program.
- Global variables, static local variables, runtime tables,
function space for languages that don't support recursion, constants.
- Stack objects - Last in, first out (LIFO). Function space
for languages that support recursion,
- Heap objects - can be allocated and deallocated at
arbitrary times. Dynamically allocated parts of linked data
structures, dynamically resized objects.
Function Space
- The stack of function calls contains a frame for each function.
- One frame contains:
- arguments, return values
- local variables, elaboration-time constants
- temporaries: intermediate values produced in complex computations
- bookkeeping information: return address, reference to the calling
frame, debugging information.
Heap Management
- There is usually a linked list - free list - of all the memory
blocks not in use.
- When an allocation demand is made, the program searches the heap
for a free block of at least the requested size.
- First fit - returning the first block that fits the request.
- Best fit - returning the smallest block that fits the request.
- Worst fit - the largest block, to avoid fragmenting the memory
- Pool - dividing the list into sublists by size.
- Compact - moving the allocating heaps closer together to
create larger free blocks. When moving an object one needs to update
all the references to it.
Scope and Rules
- Scope of a binding - the textual region of the program in
which a binding is active.
- Scope - sometimes a region of a program of maximal size in
which no binding changes scope.
- Referencing environment - the set of active bindings at any
given point in the program execution.
- The scope of bindings is determined by binding rules, included in
the description of the language.
Scope of a Binding
- Usually the scope of a binding is determined statically, meaning
at compilation time.
- When a function is called that has a local variable, the binding
between the variable name and the instance of the variable local to
the call is created.
- Any previous bindings for that same variable name are deactivated
in the process (or hidden).
- When the function call ends, the previous binding for the name is
Static Scopes
- Static scope - when the scope of a binding is determined during
- Sometimes called lexical scope.
- Current binding - the matching declaration whose block most
closely surrounds the point in the program where the name is
- Global scope - some languages only support global variables
- Local static scope - for languages that do not support recursion
and for static variables in other.
Nested Declarations
(let ((A 1))
(let ((A 2) (B A)) B)
- In Lisp the variables in a let are declared in parallel. In the
above expression B is equal to 1.
- Usually in a nested declaration it is not possible to access the
value of the previous binding.
- Exception: equivalences of memory like in Fortran, multiple
references to the same objects.
- For classes it's possible to specify the scope of a function call
(the :: operator in C++).
Dynamic Scope
- Bindings that are defined at runtime. They depend on the order in
which functions are called.
- Current binding - the one encountered the most recently during the
execution and that has not yet been destroyed.
- Type checking for dynamic scoping is done at runtime.
Dynamic Scope - Lisp
(defvar y 3) ; y is a global
(defun f (x)
(+ x y)) ; we think f uses the global y
(f 10) ; => 13
(defun g ()
(let ((y 4) (a 1))
(f a)))
(g) ; => 5 ; think again
Scope Implementation
- Static scope relies on a symbol table which is a map or
dictionary. For each symbol it contains information about it.
- Dynamic scope uses an association list or a central reference
table. An association list is a pair name/value.
- For dynamic scoping, it is a list of symbols (name) associated
with the scope (value).
- When new declarations are made, they are pushed into the list
(which works as a stack). When a scope ends, it is popped out of the
- The binding is determined by a linear search in the list starting
from the most recent definition going backwards.