C463/B551 Artificial Intelligence

Homework 10

Due date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008.

Original project as reference

Ex. 1 This project implements a version of PacMan in Python. We'll implement a fuzzy logic controller for the PacMan.

Download the zip file from the link above and unzip it. Read the instructions on how to run the script with different layouts and different agents. In the same folder, download the following file:

For example, to run the random agent from the file we're adding to the project on the tinyMaze layout we would use the command:
python pacman.py -l tinyMaze -p RandomAgent

To integrate our controller with the project, we need to define our own special agent called FuzzyAgent found in fuzzyAgents.py. Every agent needs to define the function getAction that returns the next step to be taken by the Pacman.

What you need to know (and you may use other ways to get the same information if you find them easier):

Fuzzy Agent To implement the fuzzy controller, you'll have to implement the following functions:

Turn in: the file fuzzyAgents.py and any other file that you modify or add.

Extra credit: The agent with the best score will get 5 extra credit points, the second place 3 points, and the third place 1 point. There is a "shoot for the moon" option of aiming for the lowest possible score, and the winner in this category gets 3 points. You can submit two versions of the agent if you want, one for a high score and one for a low score.