Dana Vrajitoru
Computer Graphics
B581 End of Semester Graduate Project
Points: 30.
Due date: Monday, May 1, 2017, at midnight.
Presentation: Monday, April 24, 2017. General idea and current
- The project should be about the size of two homework
- The project should use the OpenGL library; variations such as
WebGL or a Python or Java implementation are acceptable.
- The project can be part of a bigger project you are doing for some
other purpose; however, a component related to graphics must be added
to it specifically for this class.
- The project can use one of the homework assignments we did as a
starting point.
- Another fractal application, other than the ones we did in the
homework. For example, the Mandelbrot fractal with configurable
options (color, seed for the fractal, etc.)
- A tree fractal in OpenGL based on a scene graph.
- Completing the solar system homework with all the planets and a
few more satellites, or turning it into a mini-galaxy.
- Completing the Brickout homework with several levels and a
- Another OpenGL game.
- Any scene graph application, such as a mobile robot with a certain
behavior (for example, walking along a given path).
- A visualization application where you create a 3D display starting
from a data file where you have points with possibly several
dimensions and using the color and/or the shape of individual data
points to show the value of one of the coordinates.