C481 B581 Computer Graphics
Dana Vrajitoru
Ray Tracing
Global illumination model.
Consider the color of each pixel in the projected image as being
determined by a ray of light arriving on this point according to the
projection rule.
The Method
Send a ray from each pixel to the reverse direction of the light coming
Compute the closest intersection of this ray with any object.
Consider the ray in the direction of each light source from the intersection
point (shadow rays).
For each of them, check if the ray intersects another object or not. Compute
the local contribution from the rays without intersection.
Add to this the light obtained by reflection and refraction in this point
computed recursively.
Recursive Reflection and Refraction
Determine the reflected and refracted (transmitted) rays from the current
position based on the normal to the surface and on the specular and transparency
properties of the surface.
Apply the algorithm recursively for each of these two rays.
Stop when reaching a source of light.
Stop when the ray doesn't intersect any other objects. In this case, add
some background color.
The final color in the pixel adds the light from all the resulting rays.
The recursion can go for a limited number of steps.
The algorithm
color trace(point p, vector d) { //page 658 in the textbook
color local, reflected, transmitted;
point q; vector n;
q = intersection(p, d, status);
if (status == light_source)
return light_source_color;
if (status == no_intersection)
return background_color;
n = normal(q);
r = reflect(q, n); t = transmit(q, n);
local = phong(q, n, r);
reflected = trace(q, r);
transmitted = trace(q, t);
return (local + reflected + transmitted);
The Ray
A ray is given by a starting point (x0, y0,
z0) and a unit vector (xd, yd, zd).
A point on the ray is defined by:
x = x0 + t xd
y = y0 + t yd
z = z0 + t zd
where t > 0.
The intersection between the ray and any surface S is given by the
there exists t such that (x, y, z) is on S.
The problem of the intersection is in general complex.
Intersection with a Box
A box is given by the equations xmin < x < xmax,
ymin < y < ymax, zmin < z <
The condition for the ray to intersect the box is
xmin < x0 + t xd < xmax and the
same for y and z.
This gives us a system of 6 equations in t. If the intersection of their
sets of solutions is not empty, then the ray crosses the box.
In general, defining a bounding box for every object can reduce the computations.
Intersection with a Sphere
A sphere is defined by a center (xc, yc, zc)
and a radius r. Then the distance between the center of the sphere and
the point on the ray is
d2(t) = (x0 + t xd - xc)2
+(y0 + t yd - yc)2 +(z0
+ t zd - zc)2 = a t2 + b t
+ c
The minimum of this equation is obtained for tmin = -b/(2a)
and the value is dmin = d(tmin)
If dmin <= r, then the ray crosses the sphere.
To compute the intersection, we must solve the equation d2(t)
= r2 .
Agent-Based RT
Divide the scene in volumes (can use octrees).
A different agent is responsible for each voxel.
The agent computes the intersection of any ray with objects belonging to
that region.
When the ray leaves its region, the agent activates another agent.
Can be done in parallel.
Ray Supersampling
Divide each pixel in several regions.
Compute the value for each region.
Average these values.
The subpixels can be chosen randomly according to a fairly even distribution.
Internet ray tracing competition.
Photon mapping