C481 B581 Computer Graphics
Dana Vrajitoru
Texture Mapping
Modify the initial color of the point to create texture effects.
Projected texture - Project each 3D point Q to a 2D point P in an pixmap,
also called the texture.
Assign to Q the color of P before applying any light algorithm.
Can also interpolate between the original color of the point and the color
of the texture.
Question: how to tile the texture image on the 3D object smoothly.
Texture mapping - Same as before, but perturb the texture map by
a function. Simulates rough looking surface.
Solid texture - Compute the texture map by an analytical function.
Wood, stone, marble, checker board, complex fabric patterns, etc.
Texture in OpenGL
Textures can be in 1D, 2D, or 3D.
Each of them is stored in an array of bytes of size 3*nr of pixels.
For the 1D texture, size=length.
For the 2D texture, size=width*height.
For the 3D texture, size=width*height*depth.
Each dimension must be a power of 2.
Texture from a Bitmap File
The bitmap file must have both width and height equal to a power of 2.
The BMP file is binary, and has the following structure:
Bitmap File Header – specify that the file is a bitmap
Bitmap Info – contains the width and height
Pixel data - 3b per pixel - bgr (rgb upside down)
Applying the Texture
Enable - disable the texture:
glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); //1D, 3D
Create the texture out of the array of points:
Parameters: target, level, components, width, height, border, format, type,
Texture Mode
Defines the interaction of the texture with current light and color.
GL_MODULATE - light properties apply to the texture.
GL_DECAL - light and color don't affect the texture.
GL_BLEND - mixes the currently active
Texture Filters
2 types of filters: minification, for polygons smaller than the image,
and magnification, for polygons larger than the image.
of each of them and MIPMAP
Mipmaped textures: based on several images, can chose the one that is appropriate
for the level of detail.
Texture Coordinates
Associates a particular location in the texture with a vertex.
For a 2D texture, the coordinates are denoted by s and t. Both of them
are between 0.0 and 1.0.
glTexCoord2d(0.0, 1.0);
The glTexCoord2d must be used before the vertex it applies to.
Example of source code: teapot_texture.cc,
and some bitmap files it can use: tiles.bmp, pattern.bmp,
Snapshots from this program:
GL_DECAL option for the texture mode, marble bitmap.
GL_DECAL option for the texture mode, pattern bitmap.
GL_MODULATE option for the texture mode, marble bitmap.
GL_BLEND option for the texture mode, applied to the marble bitmap
with a previously defined purple color.
GL_BLEND option for the texture mode, applied to the tiles bitmap with
a previously defined purple color.
Another example with the texture applied to a quadric object:
Last modified: April 12, 2005.