Dana Vrajitoru
I254/C297 2D Games Programming
I254/C297 Midterm Paper
Due date:Wednesday, February 21, 2022. Strict deadline except for
medical reasons.
Write a short paper of 2-3 pages describing a digital game that you
would like to implement if you had adequate time and resources.
Things that you can cover in the paper:
- type of game (2D/3D, genre)
- intended audience
- theme (artwork samples can be used)
- type of world (implicit/explicit/zone)
- game tokens/objects/characters,
- the rules (various types of rules),
- the goal,
- other games it might be similar to and how you would make it
Structure. A few guidelines for organizing and formatting
your paper:
- Spacing no less than 1.15 pts and no more than 1.5 pts. Font base
at 11 or 12 pts, titles can be bigger.
- Your paper should have a title, author mention, and a few major
sections with titles. Use a format for them that helps them stand out,
such as bold or italics.
- Section titles should be aligned left with no indentation and
numbered, such as 1. Introduction. Their format should be consistent
through the paper. The paper should have at least an introduction and
conclusion sections.
- No paragraph should be longer than half a page.
- A section title should not be the last thing on a page. Move it to
the top of the next page if that happens.
- You should cite the references you use and list them at the end of
the paper. Do not set them on a separate page, but keep them
continuous in the text.
- The title and references should be continuous in the text (no
separate pages for them). If your paper only has the minimum number of
pages, the last page should not contain only references.
- Each reference should be cited somewhere in the text.
- If you have figures and tables, number them and add captions to
them: for images below the image, for tables above the table.
- Each table and figure should be cited somewhere in the text.
- The style is your choice but it should be consistent, including
the references.
Presentation. We'll reserve the date of Monday, February
26 for in class presentations. Those who don't get to present in class
can make a short video (5 min) and post a link afterwards in
Discussions on Canvas.