I308 C307 Data/Information Representation

I308 C307 Homework 6

Due Date: Monday, February 21, 2022.

In this homework we will implement a queue class extending the List class we've worked on in previous homeworks. Then we will implement an application for the queue to print out all the binary numbers between 1 and a given number.

Ex. 1. The Queue Class

a. List Class.

In Eclipse or Netbeans, create a project called hw6. In this project, create a class called Node in a package called hw6. Copy the code from homework 4 (lab 2) for the Node class into this class, but change the type of the datum attribute to String.

The same way, create a class called List and copy the code from homework 4 (lab 2) into it, except for all the methods using iterators. Change anything that requires an integer (matching the datum) into String. You can copy these classes from Homework 5 if it makes it easier.

b. Queue Class.

Add a new class to the project called Queue, declared as extending the class List. You can use the lecture slides for the code in this class. Declare the following functions:

c. Test.

Add another class called Interface containing the main function. Add a static function in this class called testQueue where you

Call this function in the main to test it. Run the program to make sure it works fine.

Ex. 2. Printing Binary Numbers

Implement a static function based on the following algorithm in the Interface class and add a call in the main to it. Note that the "number" below should be a String.

void outputBinary(int n) {
    Queue q = new Queue();
    for i from 0 to n (including n) {
        number = q.dequeue();

This function will output all the binary numbers between 1 and the parameter n. For example, for n=16, it should output
1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000.

For this, it uses a queue storing strings. It starts by enqueueuing "1" into this queue. Then it does n more steps where it removes a string from the queue, outputs it, then adds both "1" and "0" at the end of it, and enqueues them. That way, the binary numbers are output in ascending order.

Homework Submission

Upload all four .java files to Canvas, Assignments, Homework 6.