Presentation. We will reserve the date of October 11 for the presentations. The midterm will consist of writing a paper on a multimedia software. In-class students will have to prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation of the program in class. You can use a live demo or snapshots of the program; PowerPoint slides are encouraged but not required. Online students will have to prepare a presentation document: PowerPoint or other similar formats; a recording is fine if you prefer instead. You will upload it to Canvas instead of a live presentation.
Report. Write a 3-5 pages report (1.5 spacing, 12 points at most, reasonable font) on a multimedia related software, one that we have not seen in class and Not Photoshop. It can be a program you are familiar with or one that is new to you. Possible things to discuss:
Formatting and Style. You should have a title and one level of sectionning (such as 1. Introduction, 2. History, and so on), more if appropriate. You should cite any sources that you use for the report and list them in a References section at the end of the document. Label all the figures and all the tables with incrementing numbers. Figures should have a caption below, while tables should have a caption above. Every figure and every table should be cited in the text with a short explanation.
Write me an email with the name of the program you want to use and I will let you know if it is a good choice, so that we can avoid having several presentations on the same topic. I will also create a file of programs that have been selected so far and post it on Canvas under the Files.