Dana Vrajitoru
I355/C490/C590 3D Games Programming

I355/C490/C590 Installation Instructions

If you have already installed Unity and/or Godot on your computer, please update them to the 2022.3.44f1 LTS version for Unity, or the latest version for Godot.

You will not need to use both engines for any given assignment, but it's good to have them both available in case you want to take a look and make a choice.


Install Unity Hub to your computer from


After you install it, it will ask you to enter an email address and choose a license. The Unity Student or Unity Personal licenses should both be fine.

Once the license is set up, please download the Unity 2022 LTS version (long term support). You can also install a newer version if you want to check out features, but the LTS version is the one instructions for homework assignments and labs will be based on. Make sure to check WebGL in the list of supported platforms, the system you are working on (Mac or Windows), both Windows platforms, and whatever else you want. Then register for the free version.


Download the installation package for Godot from

When you download the latest version, you will find a zip file in your Downloads folder. Opening it, you will find two executables inside. These are not installers but the actual application executable.

Create a folder for the application somewhere convenient. This will work in user space too, so you can create it in your user folder. Copy the executables from the zip file to that folder. Then open the application and pin it to the taskbar (Windows) or start menu, or create a shortcut to it that you can find more easily.

Also recommended: download an offline version of the documentation from:
Scroll down to the link to an HTML version of it and download it. Create a documentation folder inside the folder where you installed Godot and copy the files from the zip file into it. This way, you can access it even when you're not online.