using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class GameMaster : MonoBehaviour { // an enum to hold the type of objects we can have in the maze public enum CellType { space, wall, blueKey, blueDoor, redKey, redDoor, yellowKey, yellowDoor, greenKey, greenDoor, purpleKey, purpleDoor }; // A Point struct to be stored in linked lists by Prim's algorithm. public struct Point { public int x, y; public Point(int vx, int vy) : this() { this.x = vx; this.y = vy; } }; public CellType[,] maze; public GameObject[,] bricks; public int mazeWidth, mazeHeight; static int offsetX=2, offsetY=2; static float tileSize = 0.6f; int doorsLeft; public static int level = 1; public GameObject brickRef; // Create a maze and the 3D objects composing it void MakeMaze(int cols, int rows) { mazeWidth = cols; mazeHeight = rows; // set the offsets so that (0, 0) is in the center of the maze offsetX = mazeWidth / 2; offsetY = mazeHeight / 2; // allocate the array maze = new CellType[mazeWidth, mazeHeight]; // create the CellType maze Prim(); // create the maze of wall 3D objects BuildMaze(); } // Initialize all the cells in the maze with the same value void InitMaze(CellType val) { for (int i = 0; i < mazeWidth; i++) for (int j = 0; j < mazeHeight; j++) maze[i, j] = val; } // returns the cells neighboring the given one in a list // considers a 4-cell neighborhood. // returns less than 4 nodes if close to a border LinkedList Neighbors(int cx, int cy) { LinkedList neighbs = new LinkedList(); if (cx > 1) { neighbs.AddFirst(new Point(cx - 1, cy)); } if (cx < mazeWidth - 2) { neighbs.AddLast(new Point(cx + 1, cy)); } if (cy > 1) { neighbs.AddLast(new Point(cx, cy - 1)); } if (cy < mazeHeight - 2) { neighbs.AddLast(new Point(cx, cy + 1)); } return neighbs; } // converts a column number into a position on the stage static public float Col2X(int c) { return c * tileSize - offsetX * tileSize; } // converts a column number into a position on the stage static public float Row2Y(int r) { return r * tileSize - offsetY * tileSize; } // converts an x position to a column number static public int X2col(float xVal) { return offsetX + (int)(xVal / tileSize); } // converts a y position to a row number static public int Y2row(float yVal) { return offsetY + (int)(yVal / tileSize); } // builds the physical maze out of wall objects, // assuming that we have generated it beforehand in the maze array. void BuildMaze() { int i, j; float brickWidth, brickY; brickY = brickRef.transform.position.y; brickWidth = brickRef.transform.localScale.x; tileSize = brickWidth+0.001f; // a small gap between the bricks to be able to see them bricks = new GameObject[mazeWidth, mazeHeight]; for (i = 0; i < mazeWidth; i++) for (j = 0; j < mazeHeight; j++) { if (maze[i, j] == CellType.wall) // place a brick where we have a wall in the maze { bricks[i, j] = Instantiate(brickRef) as GameObject; bricks[i, j].transform.position = new Vector3(Col2X(i), brickY, Row2Y(j)); } else { bricks[i,j] = null; } } } // implementation of Prim's algorithm to generate a maze void Prim() { LinkedListNode node; int cx, cy, dx, dy, r; LinkedList neighbs; // start by filling up the maze with walls InitMaze(CellType.wall); // start from the center of the maze with a space // that's where the player should be int startx = mazeWidth / 2, starty = mazeHeight / 2; // the frontier contains all the neighbors of the starting position LinkedList frontier = Neighbors(startx, starty); maze[startx, starty] =; while (frontier.Count > 0) // while we still have nodes in the frontier { r = Random.Range(0, frontier.Count); // choose a random one node = NodeAtIndex(frontier, r); cx = node.Value.x; cy = node.Value.y; frontier.Remove(node); // remove it from the frontier neighbs = Neighbors(cx, cy); if (CountSpaces(neighbs) == 1) // make sure it doesn't close a cycle { maze[cx, cy] =; // make it a space for (node = neighbs.First; node != null; node = node.Next) // process its neighbors { dx = node.Value.x; dy = node.Value.y; // if the neighbor is not a space if (maze[dx, dy] != { LinkedList n = Neighbors(dx, dy); // if it has exactly one space among its neighbors and is not already in the frontier if (CountSpaces(n) == 1 && !ContainsNode(frontier, dx, dy)) { //add this neighbor to the frontier; frontier.AddLast(new Point(dx, dy)); } } } } } } // returns the node at a given index from the list LinkedListNode NodeAtIndex(LinkedList list, int index) { LinkedListNode n = list.First; int i = 0; while (n!= null && i neighb) { int count = 0; for (LinkedListNode n = neighb.First; n != null; n = n.Next) { if (maze[n.Value.x, n.Value.y] == { count++; } } return count; } // checks if the list contains a node given with x and y bool ContainsNode(LinkedList list, int cx, int cy) { LinkedListNode p = list.First; while (p != null) { if (p.Value.x == cx && p.Value.y == cy) { return true; } p = p.Next; } return false; } // Use this for initialization void Start () { MakeMaze(10, 10); } // Update is called once per frame //void Update () { //} }